dDesk - Dedicated Desktop Process Data Analysis

Historical Data

Finally, an intuitive software tool for the rapid preparation of large data sets. Extensive data sets are now commonplace in many fields, yet analysis tools are either complicated and expensive or cumbersome and slow.

PrecisionNow dDesk is the solution…

Designed to run on PC, Mac and Linux systems, dDesk is an innovative software tool with an intuitive interface giving data professionals the ability to rapidly load, visualize, analyze, prepare and export data. Forget cutting and pasting endless cells in spreadsheets, the solution is a low cost, low overhead dedicated data preparation software solution… dDesk.

PrecisionNow dDesk – data preparation and analysis software built by process engineers for process engineers.


Organise your data in unconstrained user-defined channels.

  • Want to work with values, no problem
  • Want to work with strings, no problem
  • Want to combine different data types, no problem

It’s all possible with dDesk …!


Visualize your data using one of dDesk’s many visual options.

Create custom dashboards …

Pre-define and lock your own custom dashboards or customize your visualization experience by combining individual graph types.

… or go a-la-carte!


  • Click to identify single data points
  • Use your mouse to zoom in and out, or pan side-to-side and format your visuals as you want them. With a quick cut and paste, insert them into your reports already formatted.


Save time ….

Customise the analysis of your data by simply joining together dDesk’s built-in analysis modules, or create your own modules using the PrecisionNow API.

If that is not enough, interface dDesk with Python or R and make use of their libraries in the dDesk environment.

And if that is still not enough, Primodal Systems is happy to offer on-going development support to get you access to the analysis you need.

Data Analysis

  • Drag-n-drop interface for drawing your data flow
  • Standardize your data analysis
  • Ensure consistent analysis across your organization
  • Enforce consistent standard analysis practises

The Issues

  • Vast amounts of data are being collected from inconsistent and variable sources
  • Up to now, data preparation has been time consuming which has led to the need for rapid data visualization options, and time-efficient data analysis tools to minimize data preparation for engineering tasks

dDesk solves these issues….

…. find out what your competitors already know …..

 …. dDesk saves time and money, making you more competitive!

Find out more …

dDesk promotional flyer: dDesk flyer
dDesk promotional leaflet: dDesk leaflet